Where Did It Go, And Where To

This weekend came and went in what seemed like a dream. It happened, and then poof, it was gone. Work on Friday night, judging auditions for the high school theater group that I used to be a part of and then rushed to a movie on Saturday, taught Sunday school at church and ate with friends on Sunday, and somehow I find myself here on Monday night.

Wait, did I miss all of Monday? I was fighting sleep for most of the day though.

As we near the end of our internship, there is much that I’ve reflected on, but also tried to avoid thinking about. I’ve grown accustomed to the intern life. Not having them around will be difficult, living in a new room with a different roommate will be strange, and not having the same inside jokes with staff as with interns wil be awkward.

No one will understand my disliking of bad neighbors quite like the guys I live with now.

But I’ve reflected on all we’ve done and how we’ve grown. We’ve grown in our faith through morning devotions and theology classes, we’ve learned to love and communicate well with others from different cultures through teaching English to Afghans, and we’ve learned more about what God has put inside of us so as to accomplish great things.

Those 5 year plans Kris had us draw up might be different than they were 6 months ago, but they provided a good starting point.

Tomorrow we begin classes with David Skews, the business as mission field leader for World Horizons. I am looking forward to learning from his expertise and gaining insight into the world of global business and how missions can be play into it.

But as I said, I’ve been fighting sleep all day. So, hint hint. Goodnight.

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